What is Hacking? (Part 1)

Tue, Jan 16

The theme of this first lecture is the following question: What is hacking? In this session, we'll welcome you to our course and scheme for the semester ahead.  We have three learning goals for today.  By the end of our lecture class, you will:

  1. Understand the overall structure and learning goals for this course.
  2. Understand basic course norms, and set some goals for our work together this semester.
  3. Have an appreciation for the rich complexity of the term "hacking," which will be a launching point for our investigations into technology. 

The digital artifact for today is the IBM Punch Card.

The slides for today's lecture are available here.

Read This:

Familiarize yourself with the syllabus for this course. It contains all of the relevant logistical information and course policies for the semester.

Read this brief biography of René Carmille, the man who sabotaged the Nazi's computerized census effort in France during World War II.  

Do This:

Project Group Formation

Form a group of 5 students. One person in your group needs to send a slack message or email to Ellen (ejoyce3@nd.edu) with each group member’s name and email address by 5pm on 1/23.

If you don’t know anyone in the class and need help finding a group, or if you are looking for additional group members, talk to Ellen.

Writing Reflection 00

See the instructions posted on the assignment's page

This writing reflection is due on 1/23 at 5pm.

Once you have completed the readings, fill out the following quiz. It is based on both the reading and video for today's class. If you can't see it, try this direct link.

Watch This: