Hardware Hacking

Tue, Apr 16

Guest Speaker: Mitch Altman (Cornfield Electronics)

In this class we will have a special guest: Mitch Altman, one of the original founders Noisebridge hackerspace, creator of several open hardware projects, such as TV-B-Gone, and organizer of several hacker conferences, including HOPE (Hackers on Planet Earth) and HiP (Hacking in Parallel). We will have a Q&A session with Mitch to ask him about his trajectory and his views on hacking in the past and in the present. Because he is a hardware hacker himself, we will focus on the art of designing, fabricating, modifying and repurposing hardware.

Mitch will also be running our hardware hacking workshops this week. Remember to attend the session you signed up for (6-9pm either today or Thursday in Stinson-Remick 205).

Read This:

We will read Mitch Altman's influential piece "Hacking at the Crossroads: US Military funding of Hackerspaces" which takes us to the core of a controversy involving maker and hackerspaces in the 2010's concerning funding of community spaces by defense organizations. Please, come prepared to discuss the piece with Mitch.

Do This:

Writing Reflection 06

See the instructions posted on the assignment's page.

This writing reflection is due on 4/23 at 5pm.

Once you have completed the reading, fill out the following quiz. It is based on both the readings for this week's classes. If you can't see it, try this direct link.


Watch This: