Everything you wanted to know about hacking but were afraid to ask.

This integration course combines anthropological and computer science methods to explore the digital tools, practices, and sociocultural histories of hacking with a focus on their context of occurrence from the late 1960s to the present.

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“Hacking” is one of the most pressing topics of technological and societal interest. Yet, it is one of the most misunderstood and mischaracterized practices in the public sphere, given its ethical and technical complexities. Our goal is to help students think anthropologically about computing as well as technically about the digital mediations that we depend on in our lives. This integration course at the University of Notre Dame bridges a serious gap between social and technical studies of digital technologies with a focus on hacking. Learn more about the course and explore our online material on this page. 

Course Calendar

This course makes use of an interactive calendar. Everything you need to know about the course -- what we're reading, what you should be thinking about, what you should be doing -- is included either there or on the "Syllabus" page.